Sun 6-October-2024

Where is the outcry?

Friday 19-January-2018

A prominent Israeli journalist Ben Caspit has reportedly called for raping and sexually harassing Palestinian females detained in Israeli jails and interrogation centers.

“In the case of the girls we should exact a price at some other opportunity in the dark without witnesses and cameras” he wrote in Hebrew. See Link:

Although the Hebrew article was published more than three weeks ago it failed to generate any real outcry in the Israeli Jewish society or indeed among Israeli intellectuals politicians and government officials. The media treatment of the ghoulish remarks was minimal.

For several years the Israeli Jewish society has been drifting to extreme chauvinism jingoism and fascism as centrist and leftist political parties and organizations nearly disappeared from the public scene.

A few decades ago a newspaper article encouraging rape would have landed its writer behind bars and turning him into a real pariah.

Now with the fire of Jewish fascism spreading uncontrollably throughout Israel racist and fascist-minded writers are looked upon as respectable role-models to be emulated rather than shunned or condemned.

Israel claims to be a democratic and civilized state. However the fact that a prominent journalist can easily incite interrogators and security personnel to rape female detainees and his call is treated just another piece of banal news means that Israel has effectively entered the Nazi sphere.

This is why I feel I must appeal to all decent Jews to denounce in the strongest terms the obnoxious remarks attributed to Ben Caspit. Moreover the American media always shamelessly busy praising Israel should condemn the hateful remarks reported.

I won’t appeal to Netanyahu Bennett and other Israeli leaders to confront this fascist trend which really reminds us of the anti-Jewish discourse prevailing in Nazi Germany prior to the Holocaust. Indeed Auschwitz Bergen Belsen Dachau and Treblinka didn’t really begin in 1943 and 1944. They started much earlier even before Kristalnacht with the virulently racist anti-Jewish speech which is very similar to what we hear and watch here in Israel today.

In the final analysis Netanyahu and ilk are the paragons of fascism and racism. Hence appealing to them to crack down on fascism in Israel would be as futile and pointless as having urged Hitler Himmler Eichmann and other Nazi leaders to stop the wave of hatred flooding Germany and much of Europe 80 years ago.

None the less as it was clear then that not all Germans were Hitlers Himmlers and Eichmanns it is clear now that not all Jews are Netanyahus Bennets and Liebermans.

Needless to say it is to these conscientious voices that I appeal to make a real stand against the wave of fascism now inundating Israel an entity that falsely pretends to be Jewish and democratic.

– Khalid Amayreh is a veteran Palestinian journalist living in Occupied Palestine.

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