Sun 6-October-2024

Israel is a Nazi-like state with a potent public relations machine

Sunday 7-January-2018

I know it is still a taboo to call Israel a Nazi or Nazi-like state. However an honest writer should always be guided by his or her moral conscience and never succumb to the tyranny of public opinion or prevailing media discourse. An honest writer let alone an honest person should therefore never flinch from calling the spade a spade. If this task proved too risky then another job ought to be sought immediately.

I believe that we Palestinians who live under the yoke of Zionism here in Occupied Palestine know Israel better than anyone else. That is why we tend to reject with utter contempt lectures by condescending outsiders irrespective of their intentions on how we ought to relate to our tormentors and the choice of words we use in describing the killers of our children.

I am not calling Israel a Nazi-or Nazi-like entity because I am convinced that Israel used the very same tools in effecting the Nakba that the Third Reich used in effecting the Holocaust against European Jewry in the course of the Second World War. No Israel which for me and my people is and will always be a gigantic crime against humanity has not perpetrated a holocaust in the classical sense against my people.

But Israel has been adopting Nazi-like policies against my people. The Lebensraum policy is referred to here as settlement-expansion policy. The übermenschen-untermenschen doctrine finds a real expression in the Jews-vs-goyem perceptions transcending every conceivable aspect of life in Israel-Palestine. In Germany there was the Master race; here in Israel-Palestine we have “God’s chosen people versus the water carriers and wood-hewers!”

“It is like tweedledum and tweedledee!

Yes numerous massacres have been committed and continue to be committed even on a daily basis by Zionist Jews against virtually unprotected Palestinians who are also betrayed by the world including their impotent brethren.

Nonetheless no Palestinian would candidly claim that Israel is adopting the same crimes against the Palestinians that the Nazis had used against European Jewry.

But if so what then justifies calling Israel a Nazi or Nazi-like entity? Well Israel is a Nazi entity because it employs the very same perceptions and doctrines against its victims (the Palestinians) that the Nazis had used to demonize and dehumanize their victims (e.g. Jews). I am alluding to cruel dehumanization that eventually created the mental underpinning among the Nazis which eventually made the Holocaust possible. Needless to say the Holocaust would have never occurred had it not been for that underpinning.

Today most Israeli Jews hold extremely racist (even criminally) racist perceptions of the Palestinians. The Palestinians if only for being Goyem are viewed as children of a lesser God whose lives are therefore worthless! Whether we like it or not this malignant combination of hatred racism and dehumanization constitutes the mental underpinning of a possible Zionist Holocaust against the Palestinians.

Just ask an average Israeli whether he or she thought that murdering Ibrahim Abu Thurayya the legless and harmless Palestinian demonstrator by an Israeli army sniper a few weeks ago was right or wrong and you would be surprised to hear the hair-raising answers as the otherwise normal-looking young man or woman would tell almost innately and without batting an eyelash that “it is right it is right he deserves it he was a terrorist!”

Terrorist! It is now the mantra the invoking of which justifies anything including of course the cold-blooded murder of a handicapped person whose legs had to be amputated as a result of another previous Israeli action. I remember that the T-word was often used to describe a person who killed an innocent person. Today in Israel anyone advocating basic human rights especially for Palestinians is a terrorist or a potential terrorist. Just ask Naftali Bennett or Avigodor Lieberman! Or probably Donald Trump!

To conclude a state can be Nazi even without carrying out a holocaust against another people. Being mentally prepared to carry out a holocaust is sufficient to qualify for the Nazi title. This is because the rest (the modalities of executing the decision) belongs to the realm of possibilities and circumstances. It is very much like taking the decision to murder someone. The decision is the essential part whereas carrying it out is just a detail.

I know that some Zionist hasbara operatives will rile rant and rave against any comparison between Zionists and Nazis. And the readily-available charge of anti-Semitism will be their ultimate weapon of choice to shut critics up and keep the sacrosanct heifer unscathed. Well I don’t give a damn about either the heifer or its defenders. I have been through it all; from creation to destruction and one more barrage of abuse by the shipyard dogs of Hasbara wouldn’t harm much.

But before I go I do want to quote Santiago Alba-Rico the Spanish philosopher who adamantly refused to be silenced or intimidated by Zionist hasbara doctors who are prompted to think that no other pain should be compared to the calamity of the Holocaust and therefore Israel must remain above the laws of men and never be criticized regardless of whatever it does to the Palestinians.

“Perhaps Palestinians are not the most punished people on earth but they are indeed the most openly punished people on earth; perhaps they are not the people who have suffered the most but they are the people whose sufferings are the most uninterruptedly visible. Paradoxically this visibility (beyond the lies) makes the victims even more vulnerable; it confers a kind of biblical dimension to the aggression.”

– Khalid Amayreh is a veteran journalist living in al-Khalil in Occupied Palestine

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