Thu 26-September-2024

Campaign to boycott Israeli medical products in Turkey

Saturday 6-January-2018

Palestinian doctors have commenced a campaign aiming at boycotting Israeli medical products in Turkey.

The move was launched by a gathering of Palestinian doctors living in Turkey during a meeting held at the Turkish Medical Association in Istanbul as the gathering’s chief Mohammad Abu Al-Sheikh gave a presentation in this regard.

Abu Al-Sheikh expounded on the volume of Israeli business in Turkey and listed the names of Israeli pharmaceutical companies and medicine on sale at the Turkish market.

He also elaborated the steps to be taken by the Palestinian medical group to promote the anti-Israel campaign and how to ensure that it would work out.

For his part Anas Zeineddin lectured on the legal issues regarding Occupied Jerusalem. He affirmed that any decision on opening any embassy in east or west of Occupied Jerusalem is void and null because it is considered an occupied city in accordance with the international law.

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