Fri 20-September-2024

Civilians arrested homes ransacked in West Bank sweep by IOF

Thursday 4-January-2018

Several Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) from the West Bank at daybreak Thursday.

Reporting from Jenin a PIC news correspondent said two Palestinians—Taher Qteit 36 and Osama Najm 34—were kidnapped by the IOF from their family homes in the city.

The IOF also set up a makeshift checkpoint on Mithlon Street and cracked down on Palestinians’ free movement.

Activist Mohamed Esheteih said the occupation forces kidnapped three Palestinian youths from Nablus’s eastern town of Salem at the crack of dawn.

On Wednesday two Palestinian young men were kidnapped by the IOF from Salem town.

At the same time Israeli military patrols showered civilian homes in al-Aroub refugee camp in al-Khalil with barrages of live rounds and teargas grenades.

According to eye-witnesses the occupation soldiers ransacked the home of the father of the slain Palestinian activist Murad Abu Ghazi.

Youngster Mohamed Ayoub was kidnapped by the IOF from the area.

Over recent weeks the Israeli army has stepped up arbitrary abductions of Palestinian protesters in an attempt to quell anti-occupation activism and demos across the Palestinian territories.

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