Sun 15-September-2024

Hamas: U.S. seeking to twist Palestinians’ arm by blackmailing UNRWA

Thursday 4-January-2018

Hamas Department of Refugee Affairs on Wednesday slammed the U.S. for obstructing the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

A statement by Hamas Refugee Department said the threats launched by the U.S. to suspend the funds allotted to UNRWA until the Palestinians accept to resume peace talks with Israel come as part of the U.S. attempts to destabilize UNRWA’s balance and end its operations in the occupied Palestinian territories under pressure by the Israeli lobby.

“Israel’s intent to liquidate the Palestinian cause has come out as clear as daylight on more than one occasion. Just a few days ago Israel’s ruling party pushed for annexing the West Bank and its Knesset voted for suspending all negotiations as regards the future of Occupied Jerusalem” the statement read.

“It is evident that Israel under the recommendations of the Knesset and with the help of the U.S. is seeking to suspend all negotiations over Palestinians’ right of return” it added. “Suspending UNRWA’s operations is the first step toward the annihilation of the refugees’ cause.”

Hamas urged the Palestinian Authority (PA) to stand firm in the face of the U.S.-Israeli pressure stressing that Palestinians’ rights shall never be bargaining chips.

The resistance movement further called on the PA to appeal to the UN General Assembly so as to allocate as much funding as necessary for UNRWA.

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nicky Haley announced on Tuesday that Trump administration wants to stop funding UNRWA the agency tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees until they “return to the negotiating table” with Israel.

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