Sat 5-October-2024

OCHA: 24 Palestinians structures were razed by IOA in two weeks

Sunday 25-August-2019

A report released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that the Israeli occupation authority demolished 24 Palestinian buildings and structures across the West Bank between July 30 and August 19.

According to OCHA the Israeli demolitions displaced nine people and affected at least 80 others.

The number of people displaced due to Israeli demolitions so far this year has amounted to at least 480. This number was more than 472 Palestinians who were displaced throughout the entirety of 2018 its report said.

10 buildings were demolished in east Jerusalem and the remaining demolitions were carried out in four Area C communities. 13 of the targeted structures in Area C had been provided as humanitarian aid including seven in a herding community in the northern Jordan Valley at risk of forcible transfer (Khirbet ar-Ras al-Ahmar).

The report which also documented other Israeli violations said that a total of 178 search and arrest operations were carried out by Israeli forces in West Bank villages and towns. Of these 37 were in Jerusalem 35 in al-Khalil and 26 in Ramallah. At least 190 Palestinians were arrested during those operations.

During the same reporting period Israeli forces injured a total of 173 Palestinians in multiple clashes across the West Bank including east Jerusalem. Around 40 percent of the injuries 67 occurred in clashes that erupted following the entry of a group of Jewish settlers to the Haram Ash Sharif/Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem on August 11.

A third of the injuries were sustained during two search and arrest operations in Al ‘Eizariya town (Jerusalem. Another 32 people were injured in clashes with Israeli forces escorting a group of Jewish settlers visiting a historic site (Joseph’s Tomb) in Nablus city and during a protest against settlement expansion in Ein Samiya village (Ramallah). Of all injuries over half were treated for tear gas inhalation over a third were shot with rubber bullets six with live ammunition and the rest were injured by other means.

The report also said that Israeli forces attacked and injured during that period about 268 Palestinians during the March of Return rallies in Gaza. The demonstrations were cancelled on August 9 due to the Eid al-Adha occasion. Of the injuries during the period 191 were hospitalized including 97 children and 62 were shot with live ammunition.

On at least 39 occasions in the context of the blockade on Gaza Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians in areas adjacent to the border fence and off the coast of Gaza detained one fisherman confiscated one boat injured a child and killed nine adult citizens in different border incidents. Israeli forces also carried out three incursions and land leveling operations on the Palestinian side of the border.

As for settlers’ crimes the report said that in 14 separate incidents settlers injured four Palestinians including a child and caused damage to different Palestinian properties including cars and cultivated lands.

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