Sat 5-October-2024

Abbas: We decided to renounce agreements signed with Israel

Friday 26-July-2019

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas said he decided to stop abiding by the agreements signed with the Israeli side and to form a committee to implement the decision taken in this regard by the Central Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

“We will not bow to any dictates or faits accomplis being imposed on the ground by brute force specifically in Jerusalem” Abbas said in press remarks on Thursday describing Israel’s practices in the occupied territories as “illegitimate and wrong.”

“Our hands have always been extended for just comprehensive and lasting peace; however this does not mean that we should accept the status quo or surrender to the occupation’s measures” the president said.

“And we will not go along with the deal of the century because Palestine and Jerusalem are not for sale and barter” he added.

“There is no peace no security and no stability in our region and the world without our people getting their rights fully and no matter how long or short the time was the obnoxious occupation would be routed and our deep-rooted state would obtain its freedom” Abbas underscored.

Abbas announced such decision in response to Israel’s recent mass home demolitions in the PA-controlled town of Sur Baher east of Occupied Jerusalem.

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