Sun 6-October-2024

Factions: Bahrain conference aims to liquidate Palestinian cause

Tuesday 28-May-2019

The Palestinian factions have described the Bahrain economic workshop as “aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and launching the first stage of the US deal of the century.”

Hamas Islamic Jihad the Popular Front and the Democratic Front among other factions said that the intended conference in Manama would “preoccupy the region with economic and humanitarian issues and sectarian strife at the expense of the Palestinian people’s rights and constants.”

The factions affirmed their rejection of holding such conference condemning any Arab or Palestinian participation whether official or personal as “a stab in the back of the Palestinian people their national cause and their struggle for freedom and national independence.”

The factions also expressed appreciation to all leaders of countries institutions and individuals who announced their refusal to take part in the conference

They called on countries and those who received invitations to the conference to boycott the event.

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