Sun 6-October-2024

Nakba 71: Palestinian refugees are determined to return

Saturday 18-May-2019

After 71 years have passed since the Nakba which entailed the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians the Palestinian refugees are attached to their lost lands more than ever.

The Palestinians mark 15 May of every year to assert that they are the legitimate owners of the land and that their right to return is still alive and passed down from one generation to another.

Popular events
On 15 May 2019 the Palestinians all over the world organized mass rallies and demonstrations to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the Nakba waving Palestine flags and maps and holding banners having the names of their hometowns.

In the Gaza Strip the Higher National Committee for the Great March of Return and Breaking the Siege said in a statement “Today we take to the streets in the Gaza Strip West Bank the 1948 occupied Palestine and the diaspora accompanied by Palestine’s supporters around the world to voice our rejection of the Israeli occupation oppression and terrorism.”

“We affirm once again that we will never give up our right to return to our villages and towns from which we were expelled in 1948. We will never accept the idea of the alternative homeland. Palestine is our land and the enemy must leave” the committee added.

On behalf of the Palestinian people the committee strongly condemned the US administration’s attempts to pass the so-called deal of the century which is aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and called on Muslim and Arab nations to support the Palestinians by all means.

Deal of the century
The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas conveyed its rejection of all the projects aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause and dropping the rights of the Palestinian people especially the deal of the century and stressed that the Palestinians have the right to resist the occupation in every possible way.

Hamas said in an official statement on the Nakba anniversary “Resistance is a red line and the people have the right to develop it to defend themselves and regain their usurped rights.”

For his part member of the Islamic Jihad’s political bureau Mohammed al-Hindi said that the masses that took part in the Great March of Return in Gaza on the Nakba day were sending a message that “the land is ours”.

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