Mon 8-July-2024

Haneyya calls for “unified national strategy” to confront US plan

Sunday 28-April-2019

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya has outlined important pillars to develop a unified national strategy with mechanisms agreed upon to confront and frustrate the US-backed deal of the century.

Haneyya made his remarks during a national meeting held on Saturday under the theme “United against the deal of the century” and attended by senior officials of factions.

Haneyya started his speech with remarks warning of the dangers threatening the Palestinian cause and aiming to liquidate it.

The first pillar he said is to restore the Palestinian unity calling for an immediate meeting between secretaries-general of the Palestinian factions and political forces preceded or followed by a bilateral meeting between Hamas and Fatah leaders.

He also called for a meeting held in Gaza or anywhere in the world with head of Fatah Mahmoud Abbas to implement previous agreements and understandings and make preparations to hold elections in order to pool the efforts to face the malicious US scheme.

Stating the second pillar of the national strategy Haneyya stressed the need to confront normalization moves in the region rally strong and active Arab and Islamic support for the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights address the attempts to circumvent these rights and work on isolating and boycotting the Israeli occupation regionally and internationally.

In the third step he called for launching widespread popular activities and conferences at home and abroad to confirm the Palestinian people’s adherence to their rights and constants and their rejection of the deal of the century.

The Hamas official also underlined other pillars of the strategy calling for writing and agreeing on a national charter of honor against the American plan or any project targeting the Palestinian rights and renouncing the Oslo accords.

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