Fri 25-October-2024

PFB: The Palestinian struggle goes on

Thursday 28-March-2019

The Palestinian Forum in Britain reminds the entire world of the struggle of the heroic Palestinian people. The Palestinians have constantly stood tall in defense of their lands and holy sites offering in return thousands of martyrs and near to 750000 detainees.

“Land Day” which falls on the 30th of March is a landmark in the history of the Palestinian people. After the illegal confiscation and redevelopment of nearly 21 square kilometers for a project that carried the title “Al-Jaleel Region Development” in 1976 Palestinians of 1948 stood in defiance of the Israeli forces who in turn responded with live fire killing 6 and wounding and detained hundreds of other civilians.

However considering the long and glorious history of the Palestinian people Land Day is not just another memorable advent; rather an everyday story of the Palestinians throughout their lands from the West Bank to Gaza to the 1948 territories.

This year marking Land Day coincides with another significant anniversary. On this day last year Palestinians headed towards the borderline fence in Gaza in what became known as the Great Return March. The organizers chose the anniversary of Land Day to launch this project and therefore the 30th of March will be commemorated for both great advents simultaneously. While the former marks Palestinians’ determination to defend their lands whatever the cost the latter marks their determination and resolve to return to their rightful lands and legitimate territories. The continuous consistent and persistent marching of the Palestinian people for an entire year despite the monumental sacrifice in life and limb stands testimony to their resolve to never surrender their just rights.

The Palestinians have made it abundantly clear that their resistance to all forms of occupation of every single inch of their land will neither wane nor fade particularly after decades of a failed and shambolic negotiation process that has delivered to the Palestinian people nothing but further loss of land suffering and oppression.

The Great Return March has shaken the Israeli establishment to the core and brought the majority of Palestinians together to resist the normalization of occupation and the Apartheid policies being imposed by the Israelis It has also illustrated unequivocally what the Palestinian people think of false projects such as the much brandished “Deal of the Century” which will be thwarted in the very same manner.

The Palestinian forum in Britain calls on the Palestinian community and our friends and partners in solidarity with the Palestinian cause to participate in a vigil in front of the Israeli Embassy in London this coming Saturday 30th March at 1pm to mark the 1st anniversary of the Great Return March.

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