Sat 21-September-2024

Israel forces Jerusalemite to raze his own house

Saturday 2-March-2019

The Israeli municipal authority in Occupied Jerusalem on Saturday forced a Jerusalemite citizen to demolish his own house in Silwan district south of the Old City at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Husam Abbasi the owner of the house said that the Israeli municipality had notified him recently of its intent to raze his house which was under construction.

Abbasi added that he was planning to live with his wife and child in that house which he had failed to obtain a permit to build.

He noted that the Israeli municipality had threatened to make him pay demolition expenses amounting to $22000 if he did not demolish the house himself.

The Israeli municipality in Jerusalem persistently issues demolition orders against any house or structure or even an addition built by Jerusalemites after refusing their building requests or imposing restrictions on them so they cannot obtain construction permits easily.

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