Fri 25-October-2024

UNRWA: Food insecurity in Gaza at high level

Monday 18-February-2019

UNRWA on Sunday said that about 1.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are suffering from food insecurity.

UNRWA said in a monthly report for January 2019 that the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip led to high levels of unemployment and low purchasing power.

Over 68% of Gaza families are suffering from poverty and food insecurity according to the report.

In another context the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the large number of victims among Palestinian demonstrators in the Great March of Return did not pose any threat to Israel.

“This raises serious concerns over the excessive use of force by Israel and continues to cause enormous pressure on the health system in Gaza including the health services provided by UNRWA” OCHA said.

OCHA pointed out that 20% of those injured in the Great March of Return are children confirming the death of 13 students from UNRWA schools in the protests.

UNRWA said that the 12-year-long Israeli blockade is illegal under international law and is a form of collective punishment which threatens the continuation of life-saving services in the Gaza Strip.

The UN agency added that 39% of the patients applying for permits were unable to leave the Gaza Strip through Erez crossing to complete their treatment outside the enclave.

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