Sat 26-October-2024

Syrian gov’t bans retrieval of Palestinian bodies from Yarmouk debris

Sunday 6-January-2019

The Action Group for the Palestinians of Syria (AGPS) slammed the Syrian authorities for preventing Yarmouk residents from removing dead bodies stranded beneath the mounds of debris piled up in the warfare.

AGPS urged the international human rights institutions to immediately step in and pressurize the Syrian government to green-light taking out Palestinian dead bodies from underneath the debris.

According to AGPS data over 80 cadavers have been left under the mounds of rubble into which civilian homes have been turned in government offensives on the camp.

The list reportedly includes bodies of civilians and ISIS gunmen who were hiding in the area.

The Syrian security forces obstructed the work of Palestinian Red Crescent staff members who attempted to get into the area and pull the dead bodies.

The Syrian authorities claimed the ban comes on account that the cadavers’ identities remain unknown and that none of their relatives has showed up in the area.

Over recent months tension has been running high in the area after pro-government militias in Syria figured in pictures and videos while stealing civilian property and looting homes in Yarmouk Camp.

A military offensive launched by the Syrian government forces and their Russian abettors in April 2018 led to the government takeover of Yarmouk Camp and other ISIS-held zones south of Damascus.

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