Sun 6-October-2024

Factions: We’ll respond strongly to any Israeli assassination attempt

Monday 24-April-2023

Palestinian resistance factions have warned that the Israeli occupation state’s threats to assassinate any of their leaders will trigger an all-out confrontation with it vowing to make it pay dearly if it carried out such threats.

In a statement on Sunday Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said that the occupation state’s threats to resume its assassination policy are aimed to repair its image that was damaged recently by different resistance strikes.

Spokesman Qasem stressed that the occupation state can no longer practice its terror freely affirming the resistance’s response to its new follies would be greater and far-reaching.

For its part the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said that the Israeli assassination threats would only increase the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their resistance and make them more determined to respond to any Israeli crime.

PFLP said that the occupation state’s threats to target the resistance’s leaders stem from its aggressive and terrorist nature describing them as “exposed Israeli attempts to escape from its internal crisis and its growing existential fears.”

Al-Ahrar Movement for its part said that such Israeli threats cannot scare the Palestinian people and will not affect the resistance’s strategy of strengthening and developing its strength and performance.

The Movement warned Israeli leaders of making new miscalculations affirming that what awaits them would be much greater than what they expect.

Al-Mujahideen Brigades also warned the Israeli occupation army that the resumption of its assassination policy would not be met with silence asserting that the Israeli occupation would pay a heavy price if it dared to carry out its threats.

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