Sun 6-October-2024

Bahar calls for supporting Palestinian prisoners at all levels

Sunday 16-April-2023

The acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmed Bahar has called on the Arab and Muslim countries to pressure the international concerned organizations to agree on practical steps to protect Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

On the anniversary of Palestinian Prisoner’s Day Bahar said that commemorating this day constitutes a reminder of the Palestinian prisoners’ just cause stressing that their issue is a red line.

Bahar reiterated the Council’s readiness to cooperate with all concerned organizations to seek freedom for the Palestinian prisoners adding that the PLC had sent messages to those concerned organizations to assume their responsibility and support the Palestinian prisoners at all levels.

For his part the PLC Rapporteur Yusuf Sharafi held Israel responsible for the lives of the Palestinian prisoners warning of the repercussions of the continued racist policies and crimes against them.

“The issue of Palestinian prisoners is a top priority for the Council” Sharafi asserted affirming the PLC’s continuous quest to halt the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian prisoners.

Around 4000 Palestinian citizens including 31 women and 160 children are currently held in Israeli prisons according to the Commission of Detainees Affairs.

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