Fri 20-September-2024

At behest of Ben Gvir IOA to raze multiple homes in J’lem

Monday 30-January-2023

At the behest of far-right security minister Itamar Ben Gvir the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) in Jerusalem started on Sunday to carry out a plan aimed at demolishing 14 Palestinian homes in the holy city.

According to the Hebrew media the Israeli municipality with the help of the Israeli police started yesterday morning to carry out a demolition plan against Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem.

This plan started with the demolition of a house belonging to the family of Matar in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood.

In a separate incident the Israeli police sealed off on the same day a house belonging to the family of 13-year-old Mohamed Alaywat who allegedly shot and injured two Jewish settlers in Silwan on Saturday.

Following the shooting incident a large number of Israeli troops broke into the Alaywat family’s house and wreaked havoc on its furniture.

The kid Mohamed who was injured by settler gunfire in Silwan and then detained is still in Israeli custody receiving medical treatment. Members of his family including his parents are also in Israeli detention.

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