Fri 20-September-2024

IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 2-December-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus and in Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya.

Medical sources reported that three Palestinian young men were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets while several others suffered breathing problems in Kafr Qaddoum.

In a related development Palestinian protestors called for removing the settlement outpost of Evyatar in Beita village south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Moreover heavily armed Jewish settlers intensified their presence near the gate of Beit Dajan town while Palestinian protestors in the town demanded the opening of the gate which has been closed by the IOF since 2000.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 25-November-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita village in Nablus and in Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that ten Palestinian citizens suffered breathing problems during clashes that erupted in Beita village.

In a related incident Palestinian protestors in Beit Dajan village east of the West Bank city of Nablus demanded the opening of the entrance of the village which has been closed by the IOF since the Itamar resistance operation in 2015.

In another incident a Jewish settler was injured in the back after Palestinian youths hurled stones at him near the illegal settlement of Ateret established on Palestinian lands north of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 18-November-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that 29 Palestinians including a child were injured in Beit Dajan pointing out that the seven-year-old child was injured in the stomach by a tear gas bomb.

It added that four Palestinian citizens were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets in Kafr Qaddoum while five others were wounded in Beita.

In a related incident a Palestinian young man was injured after IOF soldiers fired live bullets at Palestinians in the al-Arroub refugee camp north of the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

Furthermore clashes were reported between Palestinian youths and IOF soldiers in the Bab al-Zawiya area in the center of al-Khalil.

In another incident Jewish settlers protected by IOF soldiers proceeded to plant trees and install mobile houses after storming al-Khalayel area west of the West Bank city of Salfit.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 11-November-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beit Dajan village in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya.

In a related development Palestinian protestors called for removing the settlement outpost of Evyatar in Beita village south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Furthermore several Palestinians suffered breathing problems after the IOF soldiers fired teargas bombs at Palestinian houses in Qaryut village south of Nablus to facilitate the Jewish settlers’ raid into the water spring of the village according to local sources.

In another development IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian citizens in the Bab al-Zawiya area in the center of the West Bank city of al-Khalil which triggered clashes.

Moreover Jewish settlers protected by IOF soldiers attacked the al-Zaru family while they were picking their olives in the Jabal Jalis area northeast of al-Khalil.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 28-October-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beit Dajan village in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya leaving several Palestinian citizens injured and causing breathing problems to several others.

Since July 2011 Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya has witnessed every Friday and Saturday marches demanding the opening of the village’s main entrance which was closed by the IOF during the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2003.

A Palestinian citizen was wounded in the back by the IOF rubber-coated metal bullets in Beit Dajan according to the Palestinian Medical Relief.

According to local sources a 14-year-old Palestinian was injured in the back by an IOF rubber-coated metal bullet while several others suffered breathing problems in Kafr Qaddoum east of the West Bank city of Qalqilya.

In a related development clashes erupted in the Qaryut village south of Nablus following a Jewish settlers’ raid into the water spring of the village.

In another development a Palestinian citizen was lightly injured in the foot after a group of Jewish settlers attacked Palestinians and foreign activists while they were picking olives in Jiba village to the northwest of the West Bank city of Ramallah

Moreover IOF soldiers arrested the two Palestinian young men Hamouda al-Housh and Usama al-Rajbi at the “160” military checkpoint near the Ibrahimi Mosque in the Old City of al-Khalil.

Furthermore Israeli soldiers blocked the roundabout of Salman al-Farisi in Huwara town in the Nablus governorate as part of the ongoing siege on Nablus for the 18th day in a row.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 30-September-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beit Dajan village in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya leaving several Palestinian civilians injured and causing breathing problems to several others.

13 Palestinian civilians including journalists and ambulance crews suffered breathing problems and bruises in Beit Dajan village.

In a related development Palestinian protestors called for removing the settlement outpost of Avitar in Beita village south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Moreover IOF soldiers attacked the Palestinian child Rayyan Suleiman’s funeral procession in the town of Taquu in the West Bank governorate of Bethlehem.

In another incident Israeli soldiers stormed the Beit Imrin village north of the West Bank city of Nablus which triggered clashes between Palestinian youths and Israeli soldiers.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 23-September-2022

Clashes were reported on Friday afternoon between Palestinian youths and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in several areas of the West Bank following the start of the weekly anti-settlement marches.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beit Dajan village in Nablus and Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya leaving several Palestinian civilians injured.

Seven Palestinian civilians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets in Kafr Qaddoum while three others were wounded in Beit Dajan.

In a related development Palestinian protestors called for removing the settlement outpost of Avitar in Beita village south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

In another incident Israeli soldiers blocked the checkpoint of Huwara south of Nablus imposing restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians’ vehicles to facilitate a Jewish settlers’ raid into the town of Huwara.

Moreover the Israeli police raided Jerusalemites’ houses in the At-Tur town which triggered clashes.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 16-September-2022

Scores of Palestinians were injured on Friday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and stun grenades at Palestinian protestors in Kafr Qaddum village east of Qalqilya in addition to Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus leaving scores of Palestinian civilians injured.

Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) reported that 16 Palestinian civilians were injured including one by a stun grenade in the head in Beit Dajan while nine others were wounded in Kafr Qaddum.

In a related development IOF soldiers fired tear gas bombs and stun grenades at Palestinian civilians who participated in a funeral procession in al-Khalil.

Moreover Israeli soldiers attacked Palestinian protestors who marched near the Al-Jib village northwest of Jerusalem in solidarity with the Nabi Samuel village residents and to condemn the Israeli violations against them.

Furthermore the soldiers quelled another protest organized in Al-Jib village in support of the cancer-stricken Palestinian prisoner Nasser Abu Hamid and to call for releasing him.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 9-September-2022

At least 26 Palestinians were injured on Friday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled the anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus in addition to Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya and in the West Bank city of Ramallah leaving several Palestinians injured and causing breathing problems to others.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society four Palestinian civilians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets in Kafr Qaddoum village while 22 others were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets or suffered breathing problems in Nablus and Ramallah.

In another development Israeli soldiers fired live bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors who marched at the entrance to the checkpoint between Bethlehem and Jerusalem in protest at displacing Palestinian residents of the nearby village of Nabi Samuel.

Two Palestinian civilians were wounded by metal bullets while five others suffered breathing problems including the head of the Settlement and Wall Resistance Commission Muayyad Shaaban after the Israeli soldiers attacked the protest near the Al-Jib village northwest of Jerusalem.

Since July 2011 Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya has witnessed every Friday and Saturday marches demanding the opening of the village’s main entrance which was closed by the IOF during the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2003.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 2-September-2022

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled the anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

According to local sources IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors in Kafr Qaddum village east of Qalqilya Beit Dajan village east of Nablus in addition to the West Bank city of al-Khalil leaving scores of Palestinian civilians injured and causing breathing problems to several others.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that seven Palestinian civilians were injured by rubber-coated metal bullets in Kafr Qaddum village while 39 others were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets or suffered breathing problems in Beit Dajan village.

In another development a group of Jewish settlers attacked and partially vandalized a number of Palestinian-owned greenhouses after storming the area between Zawata and Naqura villages in Nablus according to Ghassan Douglas who is in charge of settlements file in the northern part of the West Bank.

Since July 2011 Kafr Qaddoum has witnessed every Friday and Saturday marches demanding the opening of the village’s main entrance which was closed by the IOF during the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2003.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Friday 26-August-2022

Several Palestinians were injured on Friday after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled the anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

According to local sources IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors in Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus in addition to the West Bank cities of Tulkarem and al-Khalil causing breathing problems to several Palestinian civilians.

Eight Palestinians suffered breathing problems and another suffered from burns after Israeli soldiers fired tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors who called for removing the settlement outpost of Avitar in Beita village south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

In a related development 50 Jewish settlers protected by Israeli soldiers stormed the water springs and agricultural ponds in the town of Dura in the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

Moreover Palestinian civilians managed to remove the settlement outpost established by Jewish settlers on Palestinian-owned lands in the town of Beit Lid east of the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Earlier today five Palestinians suffered rubber bullet injuries when the IOF attacked the weekly anti-settlement march of Kafr Qaddum east of Qalqilya.

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IOF quells anti-settlement marches in West Bank

Saturday 16-July-2016

RAMALLAH (PIC)– The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Friday afternoon violently attacked several peaceful marches protesting Israel’s settlement activities in different West Bank areas.

In Ramallah Israeli soldiers attacked the participants in the weekly anti-wall march in Ni’lin village chased them into olive fields and arrested some of them including three foreign activists and one Israeli journalist at the pretext of their presence in a closed military zone.

The IOF also suppressed the weekly anti-wall march of Bil’in village in Ramallah and showered the participants with volleys of tear gas and stun grenades according to local sources.

In Qalqilya dozens of Palestinian citizens took part in the march of Kafr Qaddum village to denounce Israel’s settlement activities and to demand the Israeli army to open the village’s main road which has been closed for over 14 years.

A local source that Israeli soldiers stormed the village and attacked the protesters with tear gas causing many of them to suffocate.

The source added that main water supply pipes sustained damage when the army bulldozed a land on the outskirts of the village to create a roadblock in order to prevent the protesters from marching to the annexed road.

Residents of Kafr Qaddum stage regular protests against land confiscations and the closure of the village’s southern road. The road is the main route to the nearby city of Nablus.

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