Sat 28-September-2024

198 NGOs ask ICC to probe and curb Israeli violations

Monday 28-November-2022

198 Palestinian and international organizations have called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation into the war crimes that had been committed by Israel against Palestinian civilians in the occupied territories.

This came in a letter sent recently to Karim Khan ICC prosecutor and Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi president of the Assembly of State Parties to ICC’s Rome Statute.

The organizations called on the ICC to issue clear condemnation of Israel’s recent designation of several Palestinian NGOs as terror groups and to demand it to backtrack on this step.

They called for including the war crimes that had been committed by Israel during its unjustified military aggression against the Gaza Strip in August 2022 in the ongoing investigation of the situation in Palestine.

They also asked the ICC to exercise its jurisdiction under the Rome Statute and take appropriate measures to curb Israel’s apartheid practices in the occupied territories and prevent its security and army forces from committing more war crimes and crimes against humanity against Palestinian civilians.

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