Fri 20-September-2024

IOA displaces Jerusalemite family after razing its home

Wednesday 16-November-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) displaced a Palestinian family on Wednesday morning after demolishing its home in Sur Baher village southeast of Jerusalem.

According to local sources a bulldozer escorted by Israeli police forces knocked down a 70-square-meter house belonging to the family of Dabash in Sur Baher at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

A family of four including two children was living in that house.

In a separate incident a horde of armed Jewish settlers assaulted on the same day a Palestinian elderly farmer from Attil town in Tulkarem and set his truck aflame destroying it and its cargo of crops.

The victim’s son Muaad Burhan Jarrab said that settlers intercepted the truck his 72-year-old father was driving at the junction of Deir Sharaf village in western Nablus before jerking him out of it and embarking on savagely beating him adding that his father was transferred to a hospital in Tulkarem for medical assistance after he suffered multiple facial injuries.

Jarrab also said that the settlers set fire to the truck destroying it entirely and several boxes of crops aboard it.

He pointed out that his father was en route to the vegetable market in Nablus when the settlers attacked him.

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