Fri 20-September-2024

IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Saturday 5-November-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his home in as-Salam suburb in the northeast of Jerusalem on Friday evening.

The homeowner Hamza Abdul-Jawad said that he was forced to self-demolish his house after the Israeli municipality threatened to knock it down and make him pay the expenses estimated at 100000 shekels.

The Jerusalemites have no choice but to build without licenses because there are no structural maps that respond to the natural increase in their numbers.

The IOA also imposes building restrictions on the Palestinian natives in Jerusalem and makes it hard for them to obtain construction licenses.

Israel’s systematic demolition of Palestinian homes in the holy city is believed to be aimed at psychologically destroying the Jerusalemite families in an attempt to force them to move from their city.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Tuesday 7-December-2021

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced a Jerusalemite man on Monday to raze his own house in Bir Ayub suburb in Silwan district in Jerusalem at the usual pretext of being built without permit.

The house owner Baha’a Zaitun said that he had to demolish the second story of his house which has been built four years ago to evade paying exorbitant money for the IOA municipality crews to do the job.

He added that the municipality gave the family one week that ends Tuesday to knock down the second story or else the municipality would raze it and force him to pay the expenses.

Zaitun said that a demolition verdict against his house was passed four months ago but he obtained a court order freezing the verdict. However the municipality issued a new demolition order a week ago he added.

The house provides shelter for six members of the Zaitun family including four children.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Wednesday 8-January-2014

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOF) forced a Jerusalemite citizen in Um Toba village south of occupied Jerusalem to raze part of his  home.

Hamza Ibrahim Abu Tir said that the occupation municipality ordered him to raze the 50-square-meter room built for his three children and kitchen for building without permit or else face a huge fine.

He said that he built his house back in 1997 and since then he was repeatedly fined by the municipality adding that he paid about 45000 dollars fines in installments.

He said that he would continue paying until 2015 recalling that he was also forced to do “community service” for three months at the beginning of 2013.

Abu Tir said that he demolished part of the room and kitchen two months ago but the municipality insisted that he should raze them completely or else he would be jailed for six months and pay 15000 dollars for municipal teams in return for razing them.

The Jerusalemite citizen said that he would close down the remaining part of his house built over an area of about 70 square meters to avoid more fines.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Monday 17-June-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced Jerusalemite Hasan Abu Hidwan to raze part of his home in the Old City of Jerusalem with his own hands.

The Israeli municipality said that the additional part of the building was built without permit and should be knocked down.

Wahdan said two weeks ago that an Israeli court gave him until 30th May to remove the 25-square-meter section of his home or else pay 30000 shekels fine.

He told Wadi Hilwa information center that he built the additional room four years ago only to be slapped with a court ruling ordering its demolition.

Wahdan said that the court imposed on him a “light” fine of 2500 shekels if he knocked down the room with his own hands.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Tuesday 7-May-2013

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) forced a Jerusalemite citizen to raze his own home in the Old City for lack of construction permit.

Azzam Al-Afifi said on Tuesday that he had to destroy what was remaining of his house after an Israeli court threatened it would sue him and impose on him a heavy fine.

Afifi said that he razed his home with his own hands to avoid the Israeli demolition that cost him a lot of money.

He said that Israeli courts humiliate Jerusalemites by forcing them to tear down their own homes under the threat of trials and fines.

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IOA forces Jerusalemite to raze his own home

Monday 20-December-2010

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) forced a Jerusalemite citizen to knock down his own home in Thawri suburb in occupied Jerusalem.

Osama Al-Shuweiki said that he built his 96 square meters home in 2005 and requested a building permit but the IOA-controlled municipality never gave him one and kept on delaying the request.

He added that the IOA municipality court issued a verdict in 2009 ordering him to pay a fine of almost 25000 dollars and to tear down his house but he appealed against the verdict and the court was adjourned for three times.

Shuweiki said that he paid the fine but the court prepared another indictment against him for not demolishing the house “which forced me to raze it myself before the next court hearing on 23rd December to evade the possibility of paying a new fine and imprisoning me for three years”.

The demolition rendered Shuweik’s family i.e. his wife two children his sister and aging mother homeless.

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