Mon 8-July-2024

Kuwait’s Youth for al-Quds calls for supporting Palestinian resistance

Sunday 2-October-2022

Tareq ash-Shayya head of Youth for al-Quds International in Kuwait has said that supporting the Palestinian resistance is the only way to restore the usurped rights.

“Through our contacts with many civil society organizations in most Arab and Islamic countries we affirm that the Arab and Muslim nations are still attached to Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque even more than before” Shayya said in recent press remarks to the Palestinian Information Center (PIC).

He warned that the daily break-ins at the Aqsa Mosque by Jewish settlers and temple groups are attempts aimed at achieving their dream of Judaizing the Mosque describing this Judaization plan as “the pivot on which the political and central project of the occupation entity turns.”

He applauded the Jerusalemite citizens for their keenness on defending the Aqsa Mosque against settler break-ins stressing their intensive presence in the Mosque’s courtyards and the Qibli prayer building in particular foiled settlers’ recent attempts to blow trumpets (shofars).

He also urged the Palestinian people in and around Jerusalem to keep a constant vigil at the Aqsa Mosque to guard it against Judaization attempts warning that “the coming days are more dangerous than the previous ones.”

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