Fri 20-September-2024

IOA deports Sheikh Bakirat from Al-Aqsa Mosque

Sunday 4-September-2022

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) deported the Deputy Director of the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf Council Sheikh Najeh Bakirat from the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday.

According to SAFA news agency the IOA Intelligence agents served Sheikh Bakirat a deportation order from the Al-Aqsa Mosque for a week renewable for several months.

Sheikh Bakirat told SAFA that the IOA Intelligence agents surrounded his home in Sur Bahir town and handed him a notice ordering him to go to the al-Qashla police station for interrogation.

“Such deportation orders reflect the Israeli racist policies as it allows Jewish settlers including extremist rabbi Yehuda Glick to perform Talmudic rituals in the Al-Aqsa Mosque while banning us from it” Sheikh Bakirat stressed labeling the deportation as a dangerous Israeli policy that aims at evacuating the holy site from Muslim worshippers.

Sheikh Bakirat called on the League of Arab States to intervene urgently to stop deporting the Muslim worshippers from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in addition to allowing them freedom of worship.

He had been deported from Al-Aqsa Mosque on numerous occasions and spent seven and a half years as a deportee from the holy site.

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