Sun 15-September-2024

Sabri: Flag march constitutes grave violation

Saturday 28-May-2022

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri the preacher of the Al-Aqsa Mosque has condemned the Jewish settlers’ flag march scheduled on Sunday terming as provocative and unacceptable.

“The Jewish settlers’ flag march constitutes a grave violation against Jerusalemites as the settlers plan to pass through the Bab al-Amud in Occupied Jerusalem” Sheikh Sabri said in his speech to Palestine Scholars conference which was held online on Saturday to discuss means of confronting the flag march.

Extremist Jewish settlers plan to hold the flag march on Sunday to celebrate the occupation of the eastern part of Jerusalem in 1967. Rabbis and members of Knesset will also participate in the march.

The Israeli government had allowed the Jewish settlers to pass through the Bab al-Amoud in the old city of Jerusalem supporting them with three companies of reserve Israel Border Police in preparation for the march.

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