Sat 21-September-2024

Hamas leader calls retrieval of the al-Khalil house a duty

Saturday 14-May-2022

Dozens of Jewish settlers marched in the areas of Wade al-Haseen and Harat Jaber east of Al-Khalil after seizing a Palestinian’s house on Friday evening chanting anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab chants.

The settlers gathered in front of the house they seized under the protection of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and raised the Israeli flags and racist leaflets.

Commenting on the house confiscation Harun Nasser al-Din a member of Hamas’s political bureau said: “The seizure by settlers of a Palestinian residential building in the Wadi al-Hussein area is an unacceptable crime and should not pass asserting that it is a national duty to regain the house by all possible means.”

In a press statement Nasser al-Din added “This new crime which took place under the very eyes of the IOF and their protection falls in line with Judaization attempts similar to what is happening in the Ibrahimi Mosque and Musaffer Yata.”

“As the occupation’s crimes and settlement projects continue we stress the need to continue to confront those policies of Judaization in order to protect our land our people and their property from the occupation and its criminal settlers” he elaborated.

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