Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police rearrest Jerusalemite one day after his release

Tuesday 10-May-2022

The Israeli occupation police kidnaped on Tuesday morning Palestinian prisoner Hamza al-Abbasi from his home in Jerusalem one day after his release from the Negev jail in the south of 1948 occupied Palestine.

Amjad Abu Asab head of the family committee of the Jerusalemite detainees said that police officers raided the house of Abbasi in the east Jerusalem district of Silwan south of the Aqsa Mosque and arrested him after he was released yesterday from the Negev prison.

The Israeli police kidnaped Abbasi on May 10 2015 and took him to al-Moskobiya detention center in western Jerusalem where interrogators grilled him for days about his affiliation with the Hamas Movement and his involvement in resistance activities.

For long years human rights and prisoner support groups have accused the Israeli occupation authority of using a policy of extending the detention of Palestinian prisoners after their scheduled release date or detaining them again for interrogation after their release before letting them go.

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