Fri 20-September-2024

AOHR: Saudi authorities deprive Khudari of medical treatment

Tuesday 8-March-2022

The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain (AOHR) has accused the Saudi authorities of deliberately depriving Palestinian prisoner Mohamed al-Khudari a senior Hamas official of medical treatment calling such practice as “an attempted murder that must be stopped.”

In a statement on its website on Monday AOHR asserted that the Saudi authorities stopped providing Khudari 84 with tumor injections which he used to take every three months.

AOHR also said that the Saudi authorities repeatedly refused to give Khudari medical release although he completed his prison term last month.

It also accused Saudi interrogators and jailers of humiliating and maltreating Khudari since the first day of his arrest.

According to the British organization Khudari was arrested in April 2019 during a large-scale arrest campaign that targeted dozens of Palestinian and Jordanian residents in Saudi Arabia on charges related to supporting the Palestinian cause.

Khudari’s sentence was reduced to six years with half the term suspended due to his health condition the organization pointed out.

AOHR appealed to the UN to urgently move to pressure the Saudi authorities to release all the Palestinian and Jordanian detainees especially Mohamed al-Khudari affirming that they were arrested and jailed on politically motivated charges

In 2019 the Saudi security authorities carried out an unjustified crackdown on Palestinian citizens rounding up dozens of them including doctors engineers and traders across the country. Most of those detainees have been living in the Kingdom for decades or many years.

Khudari worked for decades as a representative of Hamas in Saudi Arabia without any problems with officials in the country. He stepped down from this position years ago due to his illness and his old age.

The Saudi authorities have accused the detainees of being involved in activities and charitable work in support of their people and national cause.

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