Sat 21-September-2024

Church Committee slams settler attack on Dormition Abbey in J’lem

Tuesday 8-March-2022

The Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs in Palestine has denounced what it described as “the sinful attack” that was carried out by extremist settlers on the Abbey of the Dormition in Occupied Jerusalem.

In a press release on Monday the Committee said the settler attack on the monastery reflected “the apartheid regime and the size of racism in Israel” pointing out that “this attack was not the first incident but rather part of a series of crimes committed by the occupation state and its settlers against the Palestinian people and their Islamic and Christian holy sites.”

“The absence of a deterrent to such repeated settler attacks on our people land and holy sites have led to the growth of extremist settler groups and encouraged them to commit and launch the most heinous attacks against places of worship and threaten the security and safety of their visitors” the Committee underlined.

“The whole world is fully aware of the attacks that happen against places of worship in Palestine either by the occupation government or by its racist laws and settlers; however the international community keeps silent towards such violations against human rights including the right to practice acts of worship without any threat” the Committee added.

The Committee appealed to the competent regional and international organizations including Islamic and Christian institutions to work on providing protection for the Palestinian holy sites.

It also stressed the need for the international community to assume its responsibilities in this regard and protect the Palestinian people and their places of worship.

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