Sat 21-September-2024

Israeli municipality plans to raze 800 Palestinian homes in J’lem

Saturday 5-March-2022

The Jabel Mukaber Follow-up Committee has affirmed that hundreds of Palestinian housing units are threatened with demolition in the east Jerusalem neighborhood.

Member of the committee Tareq Owaisat explained that the Israeli municipality intends to demolish 800 housing units belonging to Palestinian families in Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in order to build commercial facilities and apartment buildings composed of 500 housing units.

Describing this plan as “dangerous” Owaisat warned that it would deprive the Jabel Mukaber families of urban expansion in the future and would force young residents to leave their neighborhood to other areas around Jerusalem in order to obtain houses.

He stressed that the Jabel Mukaber families would not allow the Israeli municipality to carry out such plan at their expense.

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