Sat 21-September-2024

Israeli court okays demolition of prisoner’s house in Jenin

Monday 21-February-2022

An Israeli court approved on Monday the demolition of a house belonging to the family of Palestinian prisoner Mohamed Jaradat in Silat al-Harithiya village in western Jenin north of the occupied West Bank.

Jaradat’s son Ibrahim said that his family had submitted a petition to the court through HaMoked human rights group after receiving a demolition notice against the house but recently it was informed that the court rejected its request.

He added that his family was given until next Thursday to evacuate the house and leave describing the demolition decision as “arbitrary and unjust.”

He pointed out that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) would demolish his apartment along with his father’s house.

Last December the IOA had notified four Palestinian families in the village of its intent to demolish their homes as a mass punitive measure against them after their relatives were accused of killing a settler and wounding two others in the evacuated site of Homesh settlement northwest of Nablus.

Recently the IOA demolished one of those houses belonging to prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat.

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