Sat 21-September-2024

Jordan Egypt denounce Israeli demolition of homes in O. Jerusalem

Friday 21-January-2022

Head of the Lower House’s Foreign Affairs Committee in Jordan Khaldoun Hina condemned on Thursday the recent Israeli violations in Occupied Jerusalem mainly the demolition of two Palestinian homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

Hina stressed the House’s rejection and denouncement of Israeli policies in Jerusalem which he said aim to change the status quo in the holy city and lead to the forcible displacement of Palestinians out of their homes in an illegitimate bid to change the city’s demography.

Along the same line Egypt strongly condemned the demolition of two houses in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Occupied Jerusalem by the Israeli forces.

“The current attempts to displace Palestinian families from their homes in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah represent a violation of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL)” the Foreign Ministry of Egypt said in a statement affirming that such acts may inflame the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Ahmed Hafez Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stressed Egypt’s firm position in rejecting the settlement policy whether through establishing new settlements or expanding existing ones as well as displacing Palestinians.

Moreover he reiterated that the continuation of these unilateral measures undermines the chances of reaching a two-state solution in order to establish a comprehensive and just peace in the region.

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