Sat 21-September-2024

Hamas: Razing Salhia’s house a war on the presence of Jerusalemites

Thursday 20-January-2022

Hamas Movement said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the “occupation’s eviction and demolition of the Salhia family house in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the arrest of the citizens and the supporters is a crime and a dangerous escalation of the occupation’s ongoing brutal war against the city of Jerusalem and its people.”

The occupation has deliberately infiltrated at dawn under the cover of the harsh cold weather and darkness to circumvent the heroic stance of the Salhia family that challenged the demolition’s decision the statement read.

Hamas affirmed that “the occupation’s criminal practices will never break the determination of our Palestinian people in Jerusalem who will continue confronting the occupation with all forms of resistance.”

The Movement further called on the Palestinian people in Jerusalem to protect the homes threatened with demolition and steadfastly confront the Israeli occupation’s war machine.

The occupation’s criminal practices require the Arab and Islamic nations all humanitarian organizations and the free peoples of the world to assume their responsibilities and to pressure the occupation to stop its crimes against Jerusalem and its residents the statement concluded.

For its part the Arab League described in a statement what is happening in Occupied Jerusalem and in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in particular as a “war crime” and “racial cleansing”.

The Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League for Palestine and occupied Arab land affairs Saeed Abu Ali said in a press release on Wednesday that the Israeli occupation’s policy of demolishing Palestinian homes and displacing and arresting inhabitants under trivial pretexts only served the sole Israeli goal of forcibly evicting the Palestinians from their homeland.

He called on the international community and the International Criminal Court to act immediately to halt such practices.

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