Sat 21-September-2024

Israeli bulldozers demolish more Jerusalemite facilities

Tuesday 18-January-2022

Israeli police forces demolished a nursery owned by the Salhia family in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Occupied Jerusalem on Monday morning.

The family was earlier forced to evacuate the nursery prior to its demolition.

The Salhia family has earlier staged a vigil outside their house in protest against Israeli demolition order.

The house was surrounded by Israeli policemen since Monday morning in an attempt to force the family out of their house.

The owner of the house Mahmoud Salhia has threatened to blow up his house rather than be forced out of it.

At least two Palestinians were arrested as Israeli soldiers assaulted people who had gathered around the house in solidarity with the Salhia family.

Along the same line Israeli authorities issued a decision to demolish and remove public service caravans at the Jabal Al-Zaytoun Club stadium in occupied Jerusalem.

A member of the administrative board of the Jabal Al-Zaytoun Club Muhammad Al-Hadra said the notified facility was used as a playground for local children.

Israel captured Jerusalem along with the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the 1967 war. It later annexed the eastern half of the city – home to most of Jerusalem’s Palestinian population – in a move not recognized by most of the international community.

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