Sat 21-September-2024

Palestinian forced to self-demolish his store in O. J’lem

Thursday 13-January-2022

The Israeli municipal authorities forced a Palestinian resident to self-demolish his commercial facility in Occupied Jerusalem on Thursday.

The Palestinian resident Jamal Muhammad Ali was forced to demolish his own 150 m2 store in the Shuafat refugee camp local sources affirmed.

11 Palestinian-owned agricultural and residential facilities were demolished in occupied Jerusalem since the start of the year.

Earlier Wednesday the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) demolished 11 Palestinian-owned facilities including residential buildings in al-Khalil.

The IOF soldiers violently stormed Al-Fakhit community east of Yatta town south of al-Khalil and carried out a large-scale demolition campaign.

Five houses five agricultural facilities and a water well were demolished during the campaign.

As a result 18 people including children were left homeless.

The Israeli army often demolish Palestinian facilities in occupied West Bank and Jerusalem claiming they are built without Israeli permit.

More than 850 Palestinian homes and structures were destroyed by Israel in 2021 according to documentation compiled by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The demolitions last year displaced around 900 people including 463 minors.

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