Sat 21-September-2024

IOA delivers stop-work order against unfinished Mosque in J’lem

Monday 3-January-2022

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Monday delivered a stop-work order against a Mosque under construction in the east Jerusalem of Issawiya district.

Jerusalemite activist Mohamed Abul-Humus said that police forces stormed the southeastern of the district and photographed al-Taqwa Mosque and a number of buildings around it.

Abul-Humus added that the police put up a notice ordering a halt to the construction of the Mosque at the pretext it was not licensed and threatening to demolish it if it was built.

Meanwhile the IOA delivered on the same day demolition notices against a Mosque and eight inhabited homes in Nahalin town west of Bethlehem.

Nahalin mayor Salah Fanoun said that the IOA handed him a demolition notice against a new Mosque in his town adding that owners of eight homes also received similar notices.

The IOA also notified a citizen of its intent to demolish an auto repair shop belonging to him in the same town.

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