Thu 19-September-2024

General Assembly adopts 5 resolutions on Palestine

Friday 10-December-2021

The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted on Thursday five resolutions related to the Palestinian issue.

Members adopted three draft resolutions related to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) each by a recorded vote.

A text titled “Assistance to Palestine refugees” was adopted by a recorded vote of 164 in favor to 1 against (Israel) with 10 abstentions (Cameroon Canada Kiribati Marshall Islands Federated States of Micronesia Palau Rwanda United States Uruguay Zambia).

By its terms the Assembly noted with regret that the situation of Palestine refugees continues to be a matter of grave concern and the refugees continue to require assistance to meet their basic health education and living needs.

Further by its terms the Assembly called on all donors to continue to strengthen their efforts to meet the Agency’s anticipated needs and commended the Agency for its provision of vital assistance as well as its role as a stabilizing factor in the region.

Members also took action on three texts related to Israeli practices and settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory adopting a draft resolution titled “Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli practices and settlement activities affecting the rights of the Palestinian people and other Arabs of the occupied territories” by a recorded vote of 80 in favor to 18 against with 73 abstentions.

By the terms of that text the Assembly demanded that Israel cooperate with the Special Committee in implementing its mandate.

It further expressed grave concern about the critical situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory as a result of unlawful Israeli practices and measures and called for the immediate cessation of all illegal Israeli settlement activities and the construction of the wall among other measures.

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