Fri 20-September-2024

Hamas: Comprehensive resistance unity are the only way for liberation

Wednesday 8-December-2021

Hamas Movement said on Wednesday that comprehensive resistance and the unity of the Palestinian people are “the only way to regain our rights liberate our land and free our detainees.”

The comments came in a press statement on 34th Anniversary of the first Intifada.

Hamas stressed that the liberation of the Palestinian detainees in the occupation jails is a national responsibility that tops the Movement’s priorities.

The city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are the heart of the conflict with the occupation. Judaization and settlement projects will not succeed in changing their landmarks borders and history the statement reads.

Hamas also rejected all settlement schemes absurd negotiations and security coordination with the “Zionist enemy” which only resulted in the expansion of colonial settlement escalating aggression Judaizing sanctities and besieging the Palestinian people.

Hamas renewed condemnation of all normalization agreements with the “Zionist enemy” indicating that they constituted a stab in the back of the Palestinian people and a blow to the security of the Arab Nation.

Hamas also called on the Arab and Islamic leaders governments and peoples to strengthen support projects and solidarity with the Palestinian people until ending the occupation and liberating Palestine.

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