Wed 18-September-2024

Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in the Negev

Friday 22-October-2021

Israeli authorities razed a Palestinian house in Rahat city in the Negev on Thursday under heavy police protection.

Eyewitnesses said that a large number of police officers escorted the bulldozers while tearing down the Palestinian wooden house in Andalus suburb in Rahat.

Predominantly Palestinian cities in 1948 Occupied Palestine (Israel) have recently witnessed an upsurge in demolition of Palestinian homes commercial stores and industrial facilities at the usual pretext of lack of permits.

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Israeli authorities raze Palestinian home in the Negev

Monday 2-January-2017

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Monday a Palestinian house in the Negev to the south of 1948 occupied Palestine under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Local sources pointed out that the Israeli bulldozers demolished the house of Salman Abu Sbeila from Tel as-Sabi after which 14 Palestinians most of them children were rendered homeless.

Taleb Abu Arar the Arab member of the Israeli Knesset said that destroying Palestinian homes is a response to Netanyahu’s statements regarding increasing the demolition of Arab houses.

“High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel is planning a demonstration next Sunday to protest the policy of demolishing Palestinian houses in the Negev” Abu Arar told Quds Press.

“Israeli bulldozers destroy houses in Negev on daily basis” he added while stressing that Israeli authorities continue to destroy Palestinian houses as part of their policy of uprooting Palestinians from their native lands.

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