Fri 20-September-2024

IOF troops arrest wanted AMB operative other civilians

Monday 11-December-2006

BETHLEHEM (PIC) — An IOF special unit on Sunday nabbed Khaled Salahat one of the Fatah Movement’s armed wing the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ commanders in Beit Sahur village Bethlehem district after long years of chase.

IOF sources said that Salahat was responsible for the killing of three Israeli soldiers in the year 2000 and for masterminding a number of anti-resistance attacks.

Another IOF unit arrested a Palestinian citizen in the vicinity of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-Khalil city after suspecting he threw stones at a number of Jewish settlers and their vehicles injuring one of them.

IOF soldiers manning the Orta roadblock south of Nablus city also on Sunday fired at a group of civilians and arrested three of them for trying to evade the road barrier.

In the Gaza Strip the AMB fired two missiles at the settlement of Sderot to the north of the Strip in retaliation to the repeated Israeli violations of the calm reached over two weeks ago.

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