Wed 23-October-2024

IOF guns down Palestinian teen in Bethlehem

Friday 15-October-2021

The Israel occupation forces (IOF) shot and killed a Palestinian young man as clashes erupted west of Bethlehem on Thursday evening.

Israeli media sources claimed the young man was throwing Molotov cocktails on a West Bank street leading to Gush Etzion illegal settlement before being shot dead by Israeli forces.

A second Palestinian was detained by the Israeli troops in the area the sources added.

Palestinian medical authorities confirmed the young man’s death. According to Israeli media reports he was 16 years old.

Meanwhile two Palestinian young men were arrested at Za’tara military checkpoint erected south of Nablus.

Every morning tens of thousands of Palestinian workers cross Israeli military checkpoints on their way to their workplaces in Israeli and Palestinian cities beyond the Green Line.

However Israeli checkpoints – which flagrantly violate Palestinians’ freedom of movement and cut the West Bank into cantons – have become death traps where Palestinians are immediately sentenced to death for the slightest mistake or even on mere suspicion.

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