Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Bakirat calls for protecting Aqsa against settler break-ins

Monday 6-September-2021

Sheikh Najeh Bakirat deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem has warned of Jewish temple groups’ intent to organize mass settler break-ins soon at the Aqsa Mosque to mark religious occasions urging Muslim worshipers to march en masse to their holy site to protect it.

Sheikh Bakirat who is also head of the Aqsa Academy for Science and Heritage affirmed that the Jewish settlers and groups would cross the red line if they dared to defile the Mosque to hold Jewish celebrations warning that such step would ignite an endless religious war in the region.

He stressed that the intensive presence of Muslim worshipers inside the Mosque compound is essential for its protection against settler break-ins especially during their holidays.

“Jews can celebrate their occasion outside our Mosque which must not be an arena for their practices elections and voices. The Aqsa Mosque is not divisible by two and the Muslims alone have an exclusive right to it” the Jerusalemite official underlined.

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