Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli prospectors file request to extend isolation of Sheikh Salah

Monday 9-August-2021

Israeli prosecutors on Sunday submitted a court request to extend the solitary confinement of Sheikh Ra’ed Salah head of the Islamic Movement in 1948 occupied Palestine (Israel).

According to Sheikh Salah’s lawyer Khaled Zabarqa the district court in Beersheba received a request form Israeli prosecutors asking to extend the isolation of Sheikh Salah for six additional months.

Accordingly a court session is slated to be held on Monday afternoon to study the extension request.

A few days ago the High Follow-Up Committee for Arab citizens of Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) has called on the Israeli government and its jailers to end the arbitrary abusive and punitive measures against Sheikh Ra’ed Salah holding them responsible for any harm that may come to him.

In a statement the Follow-Up Committee condemned in particular the solitary confinement of Sheikh Salah describing the measure as “political vengeance.”

“Sheikh Salah has been in solitary confinement since he entered the jail in December last year to serve an unjust sentence issued against him” the Committee noted.

“Staying all this time in solitary confinement completely cut off from people would adversely affect the health of Sheikh Salah so the prison service and its government are fully responsible for such serious abuse and its consequences” the Committee said.

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