Fri 20-September-2024

IOF kills Palestinian injures others in Beita

Friday 6-August-2021

A Palestinian man was killed while dozens were wounded on Friday during the Israeli occupation forces’ (IOF) quelling of protests in Beita south of Nablus.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health stated that the martyr Imad Ali Dwaikat 37 was shot in his chest with live bullets. He arrived in a very critical condition at Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus where his death was announced.

Medical sources pointed out that the doctors tried to perform CPR on Dwaikat before he was declared dead.

For his part Ahmed Jibril the director of ambulance and emergency at the Palestinian Red Crescent in Nablus said that more than 37 citizens were wounded including three with live bullets five from falling during the confrontations 26 suffered breathing problems and two were wounded by gas bombs.

A young man was shot with live bullets in his foot while the journalist Naseem Maalla was wounded with rubber-coated metal bullets in his knee. The IOF soldiers were deliberately targeting journalists and medical staff.

IOF also fired live bullets at youths in the al-Hoota area opposite the mountain while the drones were used to drop tear gas canisters at the demonstrators.

Beita’s people performed the Friday prayer on Mount Nimr before heading to Mount Sobeih.

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