Fri 20-September-2024

Sheikh Sabri: Jerusalem people ready to repel any new Israeli attack

Tuesday 27-July-2021

Sheikh Ekrima Sabri head of the Higher Islamic Council in Occupied Jerusalem has said that the fourth anniversary of “the Bab al-Asbat uprising” or “the electronic gates battle” represents a clear message to the Israeli occupation state that Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque belong exclusively to the Muslim nation.

“The Palestinian people spearheaded by the Jerusalemites are very keen on protecting this city and they already confronted the occupation authorities during their uprisings in Bab al-Amud and Sheikh Jarrah” Sheikh Sabri said in press remarks on Tuesday.

Sheikh Sabri stressed that the Jerusalemites are ready and eager to ward off any renewed Israeli attack warning of a new Israeli plan aimed at obliterating the holy city’s identity landmarks and heritage.

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