Sat 5-October-2024

OCHA: Israel displaced 23 Palestinians in two weeks

Sunday 4-July-2021

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that the Israeli authorities demolished or seized 24 Palestinian structures mostly homes during two weeks in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In its biweekly report on Israeli violations on Friday OCHA explained that the demolition measures were carried out during the period 15 – 28 March 2021 at the pretext that the owners had no Israeli-issued building permits.

The demolitions displaced 23 people including 11 children and affected over 1200 people according to its report.

Most of those affected by the demolitions were in the Masafer Yatta area of al-Khalil where on June 23 the Israeli authorities destroyed for the second time three roads and the main water pipeline serving multiple Palestinian communities. The previous demolition campaign was on June 9 but the roads and pipeline were repaired by local residents at the time.

Overall 16 of the structures destroyed and 20 of the people displaced were in Area C of the West Bank and the rest were in east Jerusalem OCHA pointed out.

In another context OCHA stated in the same report that Israeli forces on June 16 killed two Palestinians a boy and a woman in separate incidents in the West Bank.

During Palestinian protests on that day against the establishment of a Jewish settler outpost near Beita town in Nablus Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy. Since this outpost was established in early May Israeli forces have shot and killed five Palestinians with live ammunition during protests in Beita.

On the same day a 29-year-old Palestinian woman who according to Israeli claims tried to run over soldiers with a vehicle and then brandished a knife was shot and killed near Hizma town in east Jerusalem.

Israeli forces also injured at least 1075 Palestinians including 238 children across the West Bank. Some 790 of those Palestinians including 237 children were injured during the daily protests in Beita 78 were in east Jerusalem 77 in Kafr Qaddum (Qalqilya) 74 in al Mughayyir (Ramallah) and the rest in other locations. Six of those injured were hit by live ammunition and 245 including 47 children by rubber bullets according to the report.

During the reporting period Israeli forces carried out 144 search-and-arrest operations and arrested 180 Palestinians including seven children across the West Bank. 49 of the operations were in Nablus 29 in al-Khalil 20 in Jerusalem and the rest across various governorates. 45 of those arrested were in al-Khalil and the rest in other areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem.

As for settler crimes the report explained that Jewish settlers injured at least nine Palestinians including four girls who were pepper-sprayed in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of east Jerusalem — where another woman was also attacked with pepper spray in a separate incident.

In at-Tuwani (al-Khalil) settlers injured two women with stones including a 73-year-old with disabilities. Two other Palestinians were assaulted and injured in separate incidents in al-Khalil. On two occasions settlers attacked Palestinians in al-Mughayyir Ramallah. Israeli forces intervened in both incidents injuring 74 Palestinians (who are included in the abovementioned information about injuries caused by Israeli forces).

In several other incidents across the West Bank perpetrators believed to be Jewish settlers damaged Palestinian-owned vehicles over two hundred trees water systems agricultural structures a workshop electrical equipment construction materials and other properties.

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