Sat 5-October-2024

Israel okays new settler projects in different illegal settlements

Thursday 24-June-2021

The Israeli occupation army’s civil administration approved for deposit 31 construction projects including commercial housing and religious buildings in illegal settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The Hebrew media said that the civil administration’s subcommittee on settlements approved the new projects in the settlements of Elkana Mishor Adumim Karnei Shomron Kfar Adumim and Yitzhar describing the move as the first expansion plan since the establishment of the new government headed by Naftali Bennett.

The new settlements projects are part of Israel’s Judaization plan dubbed “E1” that aims to expand different illegal settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank and isolate the holy city from the rest of the West Bank.

The vast majority of the international community considers Israel’s settlement construction and expansion a violation of international law.

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