Sat 21-September-2024

Israeli plan to establish waste dump in Occupied Jerusalem

Friday 19-March-2021

Hebrew reports revealed on Friday that the Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem has returned to promote a project to build a waste dump near the Shu’fat refugee camp ignoring all objections to environmental pollution and the spread of epidemics in the area.

Jerusalemite sources said that the resumption of the project comes six years after it was suspended following opposition from landowners in Shu’fat and al-Issawiya.

Meanwhile the local committee for planning and construction in the Israeli municipality discussed on Wednesday evening a plan to build a waste dump in the area near Shu’fat refugee camp and al-Issawiya which provoked strong opposition and criticism from citizens.

The residents fear that the garbage dump will become an environmental hazard and pollute the air in the area.

The recommendation of the occupation municipality engineer claimed that the project is being built for the benefit of the area’s residents and to boost the local economy.

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