Fri 25-October-2024

IOF seizes sheep demolishes agricultural rooms

Monday 15-March-2021

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) chased on Monday morning sheepherders and stole dozens of their livestock in the Masafer Yatta area near al-Khalil.

Fuad Al-Amour the coordinator of the Protection and Steadfastness Committee in Yatta said that the IOF and the so-called Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel seized a herd of sheep consisting of 100 sheep in the area of Janab East Yatta under the pretext of entering a prohibited area.

The owner of the herds farmer Nabil Al-Jabareen explained that the IOF tried to take 4 herds estimated at 400 sheep but the shepherds resisted and only 100 sheep were seized.

Meanwhile the IOF soldiers and the so-called Civil Administration stormed the Ma’in area east of Carmel town in Yatta and notified them to stop construction work for several homes.

Local sources indicated that the IOF delivered these notifications to the citizens for the second time as it raided the area a week ago and delivered similar notifications.

In another development eyewitness reported that IOF demolished three agricultural rooms of the Muhaimid family in Beit Ta’amer village east of Bethlehem under the pretext of unlicensed buildings.

Palestinian citizens also confronted the settlers’ incursion into the lands of al-Maasara village to the south of Bethlehem under the IOF protection.

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