Wed 3-July-2024

Israeli gov’t plans to annex vast tracts of W. Bank land

Saturday 27-May-2023

The Israeli occupation government’s ministerial committee for legislation will discuss tomorrow a new bill intended to appropriate hundreds of thousands of dunums of Palestinian land in the West Bank.

This bill which was presented by far-right Knesset member Danny Danon will authorize the Israeli government to classify Palestinian lands as Israeli national sites.

The new Israeli legislation targets Palestinian heritage and historic sites in different areas of the West Bank.

Researcher Jad Ishaq from the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) said that this Israeli draft law is part of the West Bank annexation plan which threatens to swallow and Judaize more Palestinian land.

Ishaq added that the Israeli government seeks to annex specifically over 700000 dunums of land in the Jordan Valley and the eastern mountainous area of the West Bank.

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