Sun 22-September-2024

March rejecting settlement activity demolishing houses in Silwan

Sunday 7-February-2021

A march was organized in Silwan town in occupied Jerusalem on Saturday evening protesting the forced eviction of Batn Al-Hawa neighborhood’s residents from their homes in favor of the Ateret Cohenim settlement association.

Dozens of residents participated in the march as well as anti-settlement foreign activists and the Peace Now movement.

The march was launched from the Ain Silwan Mosque to the Al-Bustan neighborhood and headed to the Wadi Hilweh neighborhood which has many settlement outposts the most important of which is the City of David.

The participants raised huge banners in both Arabic and Hebrew including (No to deportation) and (Stop settlements) and chanted slogans denouncing the settlement and occupation.

Another march was launched in Batn Al-Hawa neighborhood in Silwan. Dozens of Palestinians demanded an end to the settlers’ seizure of their homes and the decisions to evacuate the homes of the Jerusalemites.

The participants expressed their rejection of all the occupation measures that target Jerusalem and falsify its history.

They called on the world community to stop the Israeli crimes aimed at emptying Jerusalem of its indigenous Palestinian residents.

Jerusalemites are forced to demolish their homes with their own hands to avoid incurring exorbitant demolition expenses and fines imposed by the occupation municipality.

Israeli occupation authority (IOA) aims to reduce the Palestinian population in the holy city. It imposes strict restrictions on issuing building licenses.

The IOA demolishes Palestinian homes while approves building permits for thousands of housing units in settlement outposts built on Jerusalem lands.

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